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      Martha Stewart Living

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      Martha Stewart Living

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      Martha Stewart Living

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      Martha Stewart Living

    • Photo Mar 17 2023 12 11 16 PM

      Martha Stewart Living

    • Squash halloween decor 5007b641 1020 081ddd61074648499a38041a6d971681

      Martha Stewart Living

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      Martha Stewart Living

    • Whooo ville owl pumpkins 4192cbe9 1019 55a1090c592d40b1bdddd9d9c2b684c6

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      Martha Stewart Living

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      Martha Stewart Living

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      Martha Stewart Living

    • Golden foliage wreath 3d52462d 1120 b1077db157444c8dbc58df7911d238e2 1

      Martha Stewart Living

    • Pl main fa23 halloween front door v01 173 2000x2000

      West Elm

    • Pl main fa23 halloween decor 2 v01 109 2000x2000

      West Elm

    • Pl main fa23 halloween decor 1 v02 097 2000x2000

      West Elm

    • Pl main fa23 halloween decor 1 v01 033 2000x2000

      West Elm

    • Pl main fa23 halloween decor 2 v01 069 2000x2000

      West Elm

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      Martha Stewart Living

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      Martha Stewart Living

    • Woven placemats 1051849a 1120 vert f0d88827be954e3e89211c0b2f8bc802

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      Martha Stewart Living

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      Martha Stewart Living

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      Martha Stewart Living

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      Martha Stewart Living

    • Silk transfer print eggs bowl EKB7 Z To K Kcg9 MY7 M Dd AG Ig 0422 e3faa895835848e2b2f794810d1d2457

      Martha Stewart Living

    • 12 MS Wimage7

      Martha Stewart Weddings

    • 14 Pumpkin Tulipière

      Martha Stewart Living

    • WD110757 hanging diamond garlands 0031

      Martha Stewart Living

    • Hybrid W06143 1250

      Martha Stewart Living

    • IMG 9909

      Martha Stewart Living

    • 15 All of Our Smartest Gift Wrapping Tips and Techniques

      Martha Stewart Living

    • 16 Crepe Paper Its Our Golden Secret to Gorgeous Gift Wrapping 3

      Martha Stewart Living

    • Christmas tree wooden ornaments 7sbi6 Hy Eq FA9 KAJ2 Hnl D Np 1221 3f669165291d40e6a2580313835aedc1 2

      Martha Stewart Living

    • 17 Crepe Paper Its Our Golden Secret to Gorgeous Gift Wrapping 2

      Martha Stewart Living

    • Tree tissue ornaments tinsel 2ba0edn D4l UAA Rj3 t40 GM 1221 b7ae09b88eb64588af8d4791741cf849

      Martha Stewart Living

    • Woodland gnomes 1219 0 vert eb895b35509b4793b1a6fcceb53a7151

      Martha Stewart Living

    • CC8 D38 E1 F182 420 C 8861 4 DFF19053 B20

      Martha Stewart Living

    • 18 MS Limage1

      Marthe Stewart Living

    • 00 FEATURE Jordan Ferney Holiday Garland Domino 07 jpg

      Marthe Stewart Weddings

    • 20 MSW WD110471 boutoneers 030

      Marthe Stewart Weddings

    • 19 MSW WD110471 mantle wreath 203 exp1 hero

      Marthe Stewart Weddings

Naomi deMañana is a force of nature.

With ten years at the top of Martha Stewart Weddings & Living and a year at Domino Magazine, she has a uniquely curatorial and celebratory vision. Able to understand and imply someone’s personality through what they collect and love, Naomi tells beautiful stories about how real people live.

Raised in a rustic communal environment in the redwood forests above Santa Cruz, CA, Naomi developed a cellular connection to the natural world. Her parents were avid gardeners, and her work is underlined by her father’s scientific, botanical knowledge of plants and flowers. Naomi’s early training in the melding of luxury, retail, flower design, high-end tabletop, vintage and “how we live,” underscored her innate skills as a deeply observant storyteller.

As one of the most influential floral designers, art directors, and prop stylists at work today, her progressive approach to each and every project is all about creating evocative arrangements. Inspired by surrealism and the unseen, Naomi poetically juxtaposes the wild and the cultivated, the deconstructed and the perfectly-placed, the vibrant and the restrained, ultimately calling viewers to linger in the lively world she creates.
