• Cecilia elguero adoreme bliss 012021 05


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    • Prop Haus 253

    • Screen Shot 2020 06 30 at 9 07 27 PM

      Golden Eye Resort

    • Screen Shot 2020 06 30 at 9 10 24 PM

      Golden Eye Resort

    • Screen Shot 2020 06 30 at 9 11 20 PM

      Golden Eye Resort

    • Cecilia elguero vogue taiwan 202011 01

      Vogue Taiwan

    • Cecilia elguero voguetaiwan 202002 02

      Vogue Taiwan

    • Cecilia elguero voguetaiwan 202002 01

      Vogue Taiwan

    • Cecilia elguero vogue taiwan 202011 02

      Vogue Taiwan

    • Cecilia elguero vogue taiwan 202011 03

      Vogue Taiwan

    • Cecilia elguero marcjacobs 2020 beautysocialcampaigh 05

      Marc Jacobs

    • Cecilia elguero marcjacobs 2020 beautysocialcampaign 02

      Marc Jacobs

    • Cecilia elguero marcjacobs 2020 beautysocialcampaign 01

      Marc Jacobs

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      Marc Jacobs

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      Marc Jacobs

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      Marc Jacobs

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      Marc Jacobs

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      Marc Jacobs

    • Lrk70 Ww


    • G Q 93 Msg


    • A FA20 SEP CS Leto Hipster Animal Floral Blue PCT066193 PCT066186 004

      Adore Me


Prescient, handcrafter, lover of beauty and magical realism– words aren’t enough to paint a picture of the multi-faceted gifts and interests of Cecilia Elguero.

Cecilia is a true “hyphenate,” a set designer, prop stylist, maker and ceramicist influenced by Buckminster Fuller and his credo – “Don't try to create beautiful things, create things that are useful, and the beauty will come.” Born in Argentina and trained as a fine artist, she spent the first part of her professional life in the USA doing store design and window display. Cecilia has a deep understanding of the synergy between objects, texture, form and space, employing her highly developed spatial skills on behalf of a growing roster of design-led brand and retail clients in the how we live sector. Her powerful, sophisticated aesthetic encompasses the beguiling, the warm, the lived in and the real.

While she embraces the strength in working collectively in a team, Cecilia continues to express her singular point of view through the creation of a series of earthy, refined handmade ceramics. She and her husband are currently designing and building a small hotel in Oaxaca, Mexico showcasing local artisans, with dedicated space for an artist residency.

